Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Voting is Tomorrow | #referendum

"Are you a yes or a no?"

That's all it takes to get conversation started around Glasgow right now. Tomorrow (September 18th), the polls open, and nearly every Scottish man and woman 16 and older will be there answering a simple question: "Should Scotland separate from the United Kingdom?"

A simple question, with huge effects. 

A "Yes" vote will secure Scotland's place in world as a sovereign nation. Yet, many companies will move out of Scotland in the face of the uncertain economics. Scotland will have to raise taxes and maybe even switch currency. Is it worth the loss to the economy have a long-term independent nation? 

A "No" vote will keep Scotland as part of the Union. However, Westminister (the nickname for the federal government of the UK) has "promised" Scotland more say in the government if they stay. Most Scots feel that Westminister doesn't care enough about them, that's why many wanted an independent government in the first place. But is comfort worth sacrificing the independence of your nation? And will Westminister even follow through on their promises? Because it's not a guarantee.

With the lasted Daily Motion poll at just 53-47 in favor of "No", tomorrow will be a nail-biter for sure.

For me, what an awesome experience to be here now, in Scotland.

So until we know whether I'll leave a different country than I came into....

God bless,


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