Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Post from the Island!

Good afternoon, chaps!

This is my first post from within the UK. Sorry it's taken me so long to get on here. I haven't gotten my student login for the dorm wifi yet, and I've been rushing around all the rest of my time! This post comes from a sweet little place in Glasgow, called The Web Lounge. Had a great sandwich from here just a few minutes ago.

So you must be wondering how Glasgow is? Mind-blowing. It is amazing. It's a big mixing pot - different cultures, different people, different ages. You'll pass three Scottish college students, then a Middle Eastern man in full clothing, then an Indian mother with her baby. Even the buildings follow suit. On the left side of the road, there can be a 200-year old cathedral, while on the right side, there are new storefronts. The whole city is like that. Buildings are measured in hundreds of years; many were built long before American was even founded.


I should mention that the people here are extremely friendly. Think "Southern Hospitality" times two. When you greet people on the street, almost everyone smiles and greets you back. You can strike up a conversation with almost anyone. Just now, the barista at the counter came and asked me if I wanted any coffee, then we started conversation for about fifteen minutes.

Check this out: she told me about problems with her printer, so I took a break from writing this blog and spent an hour-and-a-half fixing it. Seriously! C'mon, where else can you do that? She was so relieved because she lost a few customers this week because they couldn't print.

This is just a brief message compared to what I want to share, but I'll let it be for now. I'll also put up my journal entry for my International Business that I wrote last night.


God bless,

P.S. Check out my new video from the approach into Glasgow! :)


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